When she believes Sportacus to be the mastermind, she kills him in an act of vengeance for making everyone else suffer. Bessie Busybody is one of the participants in the killing game. She needs to know everyone's business and will go to great lengths to get it. "Bessie's name says it all. Bessie has pale skin, blue eyes, and bright blue hair. She is oblivious to the Mayor's longing for her, but always entertains his advances. She hides her true intentions most of the time and doesn't trust others, but still wants everyone to be freed from the killing game. She always tries to do what's best for her students. Whether she does this as a means of romance or to present herself as less intelligent is unknown. Bessie Busybody is one of the participants in the killing game. While she seems to return Milford's romantic affections, after his death she says she would've killed him if he hadn't killed Obtuse first. It was created by Magnús Scheving, an aerobics champion who also plays the character Sportacus, and is based upon his stage plays Áfram Latibær! Her intentions are sound; she just doesn't possess the skills to be a good parent or role model. This page was last modified on 1 February 2019, at 21:11. She's a know-it-all and a wannabe, always on top of the latest fashion or trend to the point of pretension and superficiality. Beginning in season 2 she sometimes wore a pink suit. She is motivated by a desire to be respected. "Bessie's name says it all. Full Name: Beatrice "Bessie" Wilma Busybody Also Known As: Aunt Bessie Species: Human Gender: Female Birthday: March 5, 1968 Age: 49 Relatives: Andrew Hackenbacker (brother-in-law; deceased), Mary Hackenbacker (twin sister), Brian "Brains" Hackenbacker(nephew) Hair Color: Brown (dyed Blue) Eye Color: Blue Skin Color: Fair Bessie pretends to rely on Milford when she is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, and begs him to help her whenever possible. She is motivated by a desire to be respected. Bessie's Icelandic name, Stína Símalína; translates to "Stína Phoneline". zKillboard has detected that it has been embedded in an iframe. She's usually thwarted by rotten timing or bad luck, but it never discourages her. She would love to be the queen of LazyTown, if there were such a thing. For instance, she might be eavesdropping on gossip and just as she's about to garner a critical piece of information a loud horn might blare, foiling her. Full Name: Beatrice "Bessie" Wilma Busybody, Relatives: Andrew Hackenbacker (brother-in-law; deceased), Mary Hackenbacker (twin sister), Brian "Brains" Hackenbacker (nephew). — LazyTown.com. She needs to know everyone's business and will go to great lengths to get it. Bessie shares her birthday with late English singer, songwriter, performer, and teen idol Andy Gibb, whose three older brothers, Barry, Maurice, and Robin, were famous as The Bee Gees. For instance, she might be eavesdropping on gossip and just as she's about to garner a critical piece of information a loud horn might blare, foiling her. She is always caught up in her own things and never notices. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Any Idea Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Bessie Busybody is one of the main protagonists for Adventures At Ronnie Lane Boarding School.
[MS. BUSYBODY] Get us out of here, wherever “here” is! [MAYOR MEANSWELL] Ah, yes! Her title is Ultimate Gossip. Although this plot point was changed for the show, it was still included in her original character description from 2003. I am the Ultimate Gossip. She's a know-it-all and a wannabe, always on top of the latest fash… We're ok with this, however, your experience might not be that great. She was falsely executed during Woman on a Mission. Bessie always wears red lipstick, a dark red business suit, a shirt with a floral design, a blue belt, blue high-heeled shoes, and a pearl necklace. [2], Robbie was furious at Bessie for killing Spartacus in the fourth trial eventually strangling her. Bessie and Milford have a complicated relationship, mostly due to the complexity of Bessie's character. After all, he is her Mayor. " Her regular outfit is a red business suit, a shirt with a floral design, a blue belt, blue high-heeled shoes, and a pearl necklace.
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