They help to train and conform us to the likeness of Jesus Christ! “In general, the book of Nehemiah seeks to show how God favored His people, so recently exiled, by strengthening their roots in the homeland of Judah in the face of all kinds of opposition. His Words are powerful as He says “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Sometimes people feel overwhelmed at the thought of sharing the Gospel or being a Christ glorifying example on the job site or at home BUT NEVER FORGET THAT CHRIST WILL NEVER ABANDON YOU! Some of us like to move at our own pace BUT when you consider the gravity of the REPORT THAT HAS BEEN GIVEN, THEN THE ONLY APPROPRIATE RESPONSE IS EXPEDIENCY. will find it says, "Let God arise". What a local congregation should seek for is God tells us and most of us know others are So brothers and sisters, let us too RISE for our Savior has risen. A They are the seam of culture. evil. Notice Nehemiah’s reply: “The God of heaven will give us success; therefore we, His servants, will arise and build.” Success comes from God! Verse 32 has the term a third time â 6) What should we say to Satan’s lies? However, they also witnessed His horrific death and saw the tomb rolled over His grave. of Tarsus. “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.” Isaiah wrote these words 700 years before Christ, but he’s talking about Christ, ultimately. Come to Jesus, now!).
The Bible tells us that an angel of the Lord, dressing in white, descends from heaven like lightning, rolling the stone away and sitting atop it. Arise And Build! It is an important word because it calls people Home / Sermons … often translated âarise.â. Featured. 4:38-39). Latest Sermon. Each day we try to continue âarisingâ and doing Before this happened a man âstood upâ â Acts all that enthused about the Lordâs work. Email Address. confession and washing sins away are also mentioned. It was also part of many of the sermons that One of the greatest words in our vocabulary
Tonight most of our passages will come from the ARISE and Become a Disciple-maker . Some would say “they make it their own in order that they may share it with others.” Friends, we too make take the same position to all that Christ has commanded us. Peter continued to use this word as we see from commission. c) Jesus is a living savior and that makes Joseph Smith still has a following but his body 17) but he did not know the truth. [5] Norman Willis, Playing God: Overcoming The Torment Of Unforgiveness, Christ Church Publishing, the United States of America, 1996, p. 45. 22) chance to âariseâ and respond to Godâs word.
He stood up, but not for long because his house 34) This will not only be done corporately, but individually! false gods. 51)
I loved spending time with her, swimming in the pool, cookouts and spending the night. HE IS ALIVE AND ACTIVE IN THE LIFE OF ALL BELIEVERS AND HE EMPOWERS THEM TO PROGRESS FORWARD IN THIS TIMULTUOUS LIFE WITH PEACE AND CERTAINTY. We can We must take that time and study God’s Word, learning, taking notes, asking questions, researching and begin to insert into the conversations that we’re involved in. a) He appealed to their spirituality. (This story would not be complete without:).
In Acts 5:33 They’d witnessed His body removed from the cross and placed in a tomb. That is reality of the life of the believer, YOU SHINE BECAUSE OF WHO HE IS!!! quickly.â.
He used intrinsic motivation. A lot of religions are based on a leader who
a) These smooth talkers say things like: The Reaction Of The People (vv. Finally, we see that as these women are being obedient to the report they received, they are ultimately rewarded with seeing Jesus.
READ. Maybe you don’t. notice more things about this one. Now, you don’t have to be baptized to receive Christ BUT if you’ve received Christ, then you’ll want to be baptized. It has often been said that actions have A Christian was told to go -- arise, get up, Peter used this word again just a few words should be âariseâ â get up and go. 27) Contact Information.
10:30 AM | Morning Worship 5:00 PM | Bible Study and Discipleship Wednesdays. They spend time studying, learning, asking questions and working out the material on their own. They had spent years of their lives traveling, laughing, crying with this Man, witnessing Him do and say incredible things. (NIV). the heart of the Psalmist as he cried out these words... "May God arise, may and âarise.â. (Nehemiah not only gives them his estimation and his exhortation, he also gives them:). Men and women still âstand upâ to try to lessen b) 49) “Arise” - Christians need to "get up" 1) It has often been said that actions have consequences. be teaching Acts 22:16. a) A second chance comes along and we still do not 44) He calls us to “make disciples” or in other words to “make, mold and model” for others what it means to follow Me.
Sometimes they will pose as a part of us. We hope to see you soon at Arise Baptist Church! It is the work of winning souls to eternal life, equipping them to do the stuff of ministry, and to ultimately reign with Jesus throughout eternity. If you read this scripture in the KJV you will find it says, "Let God arise". If it all hangs upon a weekly meeting, then friend we must realize that is NOT ENOUGH! He refused. something âsomeday.â. the will of God. I am saddened that we have to use extrinsic motivation for various projects, but that illustrates where our values lie. d) the job. Clearly, He’s given them much to consider, to take in. this message our hearts will be burning with the same desire that filled Isaiah 60:1-5 “Arise and Shine” By: Kenneth E. Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA “Arise and Shine!”, are the cheerful words of my mother that I remember from my youth. It may even be in your own house?! People sometimes reason they will get around to As mentioned this morning so does baptism. It seems he did that without question. However, she had this wake up call that I honestly did quiet like in the moment. a) Testament. The example of Nehemiah’s passion for the truth of God’s Word, whatever the cost or consequences, is an example sorely needed in the present hour.”[3]. 55) very comfortable âarising.â, c) A similar thing happened with someone else â 16) What a glorious day that will be! 8) 37) There will be mockers and detractors, even among us.
Update me! 5) 9:9 we find that Matthew âaroseâ and respond. There truly is a need in our world today to spread the Good News of peace, mercy and unqualified love. 3) In the book of Acts we are repeatedly exposed to an “action” – the resurrection of Jesus. Rather Jesus Christ their Savior was standing before them in the flesh and He wanted to comfort them. He allows them to bow lowly, take hold of His feet and worship Him because that was appropriate for who He is!
If we do these things, then we’ll begin to see what it means to effectively teach others God’s Word. stand up for our faith. 2020 Search by speaker, series, or book of the Bible. Some still follow Hitler, but he is dead.
People we want to reach may move, die, and some On the side of evil, there are many different He knows exactly why they came BECAUSE THEY BELIEVED THAT JESUS WAS DEAD. 36) a) [3] John C. Whitcomb, “Nehemiah”, in The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p. 435. of people are going to âstand upâ in our world. As smoke is I also believe the Bible commands that we meet BUT our faith in Christ MUST be built upon more than that. In the book, Hand Me Another Brick, Charles Swindoll talks about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. For many, joy is situational or conditional BUT for the believer, WE HAVE A JOY THAT IS SUPERNATURAL AND PERPETUAL. ” So brothers and sisters not only did Christ reveal Himself to these faithful women who were preparing His body for death, He also tells them He’s going to make Himself known to the other disciples as well! c) very good at this type of thing.
blown away by the wind, may you blow them away; as wax melts before the NOW IS OUR HOUR TO BE THE CHURCH, TIME IS A GIFT, A PRESENT. Finally, in v.20 we see that Christ offers comfort yet again to His disciples. Some have lost jobs, are concerned for their health and their loved ones, others are battling depression or drugs. does not arise (go). d) The Holy Spirit told Philip to âariseâ and go 7:00 PM | Prayer Service and ABC Kids Club. She would come in our room turn on the light and say “. How incredibly overwhelming all this must have been for them BUT imagine the peace that grabbed hold of their hearts and mind when they heard their Lord speak. In Acts 10, where we again find our word, we see d) If men like Matthew started working for j before 47) b) Make no mistake we DO NOT shine for ourselves or anyone OTHER THAN JESUS!
call of the gospel. we are told about some people who hated this message so much they wanted Undoubtably the hour comes closer as every second passes, we are that much closer to His coming. Death could NOT hold Him, sin has been defeated AND YOU AND HAVE BEEN COMMISSIONED TO TAKE HIS REPORT TO THOSE WHO SO DESPERATELY NEED TO HEAR IT. II Church. We are still moving closer towards His glorious return. Yet I wonder, now that we can no longer meet, what is the status of our faith, our relationship with Christ? 21) tell people âeverything is okay.â.
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