sprained ankle swelling won't go down

You can also use non-prescription medications like ibuprofen to reduce swelling, but you should consult with .

The first goal is to decrease pain and swelling and protect the ligaments from further injury. The most commonly experienced type is an inversion ankle sprain, which is more casually referred to as "rolling your ankle." That means no sports.

Walk as little as possible, and use crutches or other support when you do. An ankle brace should be worn if the joint is unstable. Sprained my ankle last night at football training (stood on the ball :oops: ) The inside of my ankle is a swollen lump with bruising coming through towards the heal and instep, so I'm guessing it is a Grade 2 sprain of the deltoid ligament. At home coming off a win and the Cardinals coming off a tough loss, losing JJ Watt and potentially Kyler. The exceptions are those that continue to cause trouble. If you are experiencing ankle pain that just won't go away, there is a large chance you've suffered a sprain. But meh. If the sprain is severe, your doctor might put you in a plaster cast. You can ice your ankle around 15 to 20 minutes at a time. I wouldn't do the MRI unless rest didn't do the trick. Members do not see these Ads. A pop may occur when you . People with a more severe ankle sprain — characterized by extreme bruising or swelling and an inability to bear weight on the foot without significant pain, or when there doesn't seem to be any improvement over the first several days after the injury — should seek medical attention, Drs. Swelling is the body's natural way to immobilize the injured area and is often an indication of severity. You may have quite a lot of swelling, bruising and pain around your ankle, and you may find it difficult to put weight on your foot.

But there is a fine line here - sitting in the office for hours on end may be causing your swollen ankle. Keep running and the swelling will never go down. You've injured your ankle and can't put your weight on it. 5.) Some of these sprains are minor, while others can knock a person off their feet for weeks or months at a time. Re: Ankle sprain with hard lump that won't heal. As mentioned above, sometimes a swollen ankle is the result of an injury, the most common of which is a sprained ankle. Ankle joint pain that won't go away with home treatments should be evaluated by a podiatrist. Ice your ankle. As mentioned above, sometimes a swollen ankle is the result of an injury, the most common of which is a sprained ankle. The bruise won't appear instantly but is a good indicator that you may have sprained your ankle. Self-care.

I even re-sprained it six months after the injury by putting on my shoe (coincidentally, this was the only time a doctor has told me that I should come up with a more exciting story). Keep it wrapped up, or in a brace. When asked "why my ankle sprain won't heal," the simple answer is this: it will heal. This most often occurs with more severe injuries. This usually means adopting the classic RICE regimen — rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Sometimes the ankle will remain swollen for a while, particularly if it was a moderate sprain. Dog's Leg Swelling Caused by Injuries.

This can be felt on the bottom, top, or sides of the foot. Each year, hundreds of sprained ankles are treated by the EmergeOrtho-Triangle Region Foot and Ankle Specialists and by our orthopedic urgent care providers.

During recovery, it's easy to fall back to your normal routine before the accident. Bruising. I - Ice it every 2 hours, for about 15 minutes at a . Check if you have a sprain or strain. If I touch the outside of my ankle where the fibula is it really hurts.

It was pretty swollen and bruised, but they told me to stay off of it for a couple weeks and to try some PT. In addition to elevation and cold therapy, you might also consider wearing an ankle brace to provide consistent static compression and help prevent the buildup of excess fluid. A sprained ankle can happen when you plant your foot awkwardly, when the ground is uneven, or when you stretch it more than it's used to. Popping. Ankle sprains are usually split into 3 grades: grade 1: up to 2 weeks Slight stretching or tearing of ligament.. Symtoms: mild tenderness, swelling, stiffness and maybe light bruising. Immediate treatment includes icing, compression, and elevation (remember the acronym RICE). Sprained ankle how long for swelling to go down. please help? See details: How long ago did you sprain it? However the osteo-chondral defects stemming from the subtle cartilage and bone injury may also result from a high grade ankle sprain .

I've also been wrapping it with an ace bandage to immobilize it buy it only helps a little. I know, it like stings like hell in the joint! Treating a bruised ankle as a result of an underlying medical condition such as obesity, requires treating the condition first. Grade I — The injury is fairly mild, causing microscopic tears or stretching of the ligaments. An ankle sprain is one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries. If sprained, he can walk it off. This is the "sprained ankle that won't heal." In medical circles, residual problems from sprained ankles cause considerable angst, because they can be hard to diagnose and difficult to treat-especially when telltale signs are ignored by stoic dancers. Ankle bursitis is a swelling of the bursa in that area and causes pain, redness, swelling and stiffness. Go over how you are moving on a regular day to see if you're sitting or standing . Almost half of injuries are as a result of playing sports or exercising. Answer (1 of 2): Hi. Restricted range of motion. However, you should not keep the ice pack on the sprain for more than 20 minutes at a time. The mild sprain, the patient with the mild sprain doesn't need a specific therapy.

Sign Up. Recovery time varies depending on how severe the sprain is. The sinus tarsi syndrome Lingering inflammation, scar tissue, or a partly torn ligament can occur in the hollow place in the side of the anklebone called the sinus tarsi ( sinus in Latin means hollow or sunken and the tarsus is the ankle). You won't be putting your ankle in a bag of dry rice, but instead going through a four part process. We played them tough with Lance making his first start on the road. To reduce swelling and aid in healing, wrap an ice pack in a towel and apply it to the sprain for 10 to 15 minutes every 2 hours. Just ice it, and take it easy.

I've never had a serious ankle injury before. Has a leg infection.

Has veins in the legs that cannot properly pump blood back to the heart (called venous insufficiency, most often due to varicose veins) Injury or surgery involving the leg, ankle, or foot can also cause swelling.

In the case of a sprain, your ankle will become swollen, usually immediately. If, after 48 hours of rest and ice therapy, your dog is getting worse, contact your veterinarian. No serious activity that requires the use of the ankle. If you have a sprained ankle, apply ice to reduce swelling and stay off of it. And a white mark lasting 2 secs. There is a higher incidence of ankle sprains in females compared to males, children compared to adolescents, and adolescents compared to adults (2) The injury occurs when one or more of the ligaments in the ankle are stretched or torn. The indications that an ankle sprain has healed are almost as obvious as the initial signs of injury, reports Daniel C. Farber, MD . With more severe swelling, grade II sprains mean that the joint is only partially functional, but the dog may still be able . When an Ankle Sprain Won't Heal. We outline the essentials of ankle sprain treatment to help you safely rehabilitate your ankle joint and get back to the activities you enjoy. I also see some patients at the clinic who have chronic swelling from an ankle sprain that won't go away after many months. The first 48 hours were excruciating and the pain was un-believable. Sprains range in severity from Grade I to Grade III. An ankle sprain is an injury the ligaments in the foot causing pain, tenderness, swelling, and bruising. It hurts and is tender to the touch, bruised, and swollen. Usually, we can start with physical therapy pretty quickly and the physical therapy, the main of the physical therapy is the first main, is to decrease the local swelling. Figuring out whether an ankle is broken or sprained isn't always easy to tell. You will need to do this in moderation. Ice: If you want the swelling to go down and your sprained ankle to heal faster, you need to apply ice to the injured area. The question Dr. Silverman was asked to answer was:

A Verified Doctor answered. A sprained ankle can hurt enough so that walking on it is impossible.

Your activity is probably continually inflaming the tissue, and so long as that continual injury is happening, it will be hard for it to heal. I badly sprained my ankle about 3 weeks ago. If it has been only 1 or 2 weeks, give it time. Not being able to put weight on your foot. I went to the hospital right after and they at first said that the xrays looked funny but then they said that there was no break. Examine your ankles side-by-side to see if the injured one looks larger. Sprains and strains in ankle tissues are some of the most common injuries. • But if it's swollen or discolored/bruised…you need to get it examined even if you don't feel any pain. Regardless of the severity of the sprain, some swelling and bruising is common.

Most can be treated at home without seeing a GP. In diagnosing your dog's sprained wrist, the veterinarian will assign it one of three grades. Symptoms of a foot sprain include: Pain and tenderness near the arch of the foot. Swelling. Pain and swelling will usually occur in ankle sprain or fracture. I'd really recommend visiting a physical therapist. According to the American Orthopeadic Foot & Ankle Society, a few tips for soothing a sprained ankle include wearing an ankle brace, applying ice or a compression wrap to the hurt ankle, and elevating your leg. Signs and symptoms of a sprained ankle vary depending on the severity of the injury. If it's still swollen, that likely means you haven't given it enough time to rest. When you put ice on your ankle, it reduces the blood flow to the area so the swelling will go down faster. Use a compression bandage to help your ankle heal. For grade I sprains, a portion of the ligament is torn, but the joint is still functional. Ankle pain is often due to an ankle sprain.

People with a more severe ankle sprain — characterized by extreme bruising or swelling and an inability to bear weight on the foot without significant pain, or when there doesn't seem to be any improvement over the first several days after the injury — should seek medical attention, Drs. It's likely to be a sprain or strain if: you have pain, tenderness or weakness - often around your ankle, foot, wrist, thumb, knee, leg or back; the injured area is swollen or bruised R is for rest. For self-care of an ankle sprain, use the R.I.C.E. They usually occur during activities that cause the foot to twist, roll, or suddenly change directions—think basketball, volleyball, and trail running or hiking on uneven surfaces. An ankle sprain is an injury to the ligaments, which connect bones to one another. The symptoms of an ankle . To speed recovery, massage the area twice or thrice daily to reduce the swelling and pain go down.

A sprain can hinder your ability to walk or even put pressure on your ankle. When I press the area, a kind of dent forms, lasting 5 secs. > RSSFeedBot I, Robot. Ice, compression and rest can help. Go to the emergency room if: there's an open wound on your foot. When you ice your ankle, make sure you use a cloth barrier between the ice and your skin and limit icing session to 10 to 15 minutes every 1 to 2 hours. SooHoo and Williams say. P - Protect the ankle from further injury. If the sprain is severe enough, you might even lose range of motion in your ankle all together due to pain. The lateral ankle sprain is most common and involves 1, 2 or all 3 of the ligaments which support the outside part of the ankle. A moderate sprain, which happens when you overstretch and partially tear a ligament. Discussion in 'Foot Health Forum' started by RSSFeedBot, Dec 28, 2009. You can go for Ultrasound physiotherapy, It will give you proper pain relief. Keep running and the swelling will never go down. Sprains can take MONTHS to heal..I've had major swelling after an ankle sprain up to 7 weeks after the initail injury. Most ankle sprains will heal with standard RICE therapy (rest, ice, compression and elevation) within two to 12 weeks. Medial Ankle Stress Fractures Ankle sprain: Can result in the swelling, bruising, pain around the ankle, at one side of the ankle or both. Foot, leg, and ankle swelling is common when the person also: Is overweight. Grade 3. And conversely, you may also be standing too much, putting strain on your ankle. If you have severe pain and swelling, rest your ankle as much as possible for the first 24-48 hours. Twisted ankles can be painful and debilitating, and can happen almost anywhere.

This chronic inflammatory disorder affects more than the joints in your ankle. I sprained my ankle and can't go to lab, let alone start my research project… on top of that, my PI asks me to present four papers of the post doc's work… Health & Work/Life Balance I sprained my right foot by walking over a speed bump (I know… clumsy) and I've been using crutches to get by. SooHoo and Williams say. Ankle sprains are one of the most common types of foot injuries, as more than 25,000 Americans are felled by a sprained ankle each day. A 36-year-old member asked: I sprained my ankle, swelling won't go down! Canine Sprained Wrist Treatments. Popping sensation or sound at the time of injury.

Ankle sprains are one of the most common orthopedic injuries.

Compression: An elastic bandage can bring down swelling and stabilize the joint. Even if he plays he won't be 100% and most importantly because it's an ankle injury he won't have the mobility he usually does which is our defense's Achilles heel. The tearing leads to swelling and bruising, making it difficult to bear weight on the joint. There are 3 main types of ankle sprains: lateral, medial and syndesmotic (or a "high" ankle sprain). It goes down a bit, then comes back up.

• If your ankle looks normal, chances are it's not broken. The swelling's located in my ankle area and across the front of my foot. Elevating your ankle will also help reduce ankle pain in the long term.

Ankle Sprain won't go away! This therapy helps to reduce pain. In many cases, these ankle injuries will heal with conservative treatments. R - Rest. Expand Section. The symptoms of any ankle sprain are pain, swelling, and instability.

(An inversion ankle sprain results when the foot rolls inward, with the sole facing your other foot.)

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